Do you want to help with the 2020 report?

The 2020.Report is a historical repository for events that happened during the years around 2020 and beyond.

We are just getting started. Do you want to help?

With Blockchain Technology!

The goal for the repository is to capture as much of the original data from the events reported in the news and social media. Then catalog and store in a blockchain immutable system. The History of how this event unfolded can then be pieced together by researchers using this data. It is important that we do this because it helps us learn from our mistakes and plan better for future events. It also allows us to investigate possible corruption or foul play. All of this information is then stored in an immutable system which cannot be altered or deleted, ensuring that it is always available for future generations.


Will we remember?

Keep Focused on the Events

Webster's Definition of EVENT

something that happens : occurrence; a noteworthy happening; a social occasion or activity… See the full definition

Not enough time to save it all...

History has a funny way of repeating itself. In order to prevent future disasters, it is important that we learn from our past mistakes. This digital repository is designed to do just that. By capturing as much of the original data from events reported in the news and social media, we can create a catalog that can be stored in a blockchain immutable system. This will allow us to track the events as they unfold and help us to identify patterns and trends. In addition, by storing this data in a blockchain, we can ensure that it is tamper-proof and can be accessed by anyone, anywhere. This will help us to make more informed decisions in the future and avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

“Time is short to capture the event of 2020 before the flavor of the event is lost to digital history...”

Record-keeping is an essential part of history, and digital records have made it easier than ever to capture and preserve events as they happen. However, digital records are not always permanent, and it is possible for them to be lost or tampered with. This is where blockchain comes in. Blockchain is a distributed database that is designed to be immutable, meaning that once something is written to the blockchain, it cannot be changed or removed. This makes it an ideal platform for storing historical data, as it ensures that the record will remain intact even if the original copy is lost. As we move into the future, it is important that we take advantage of blockchain technology to ensure that our history is accurately preserved.

Larry Billinghurst - 2020 report founder

Trusted Source for the events of 2020 era

Built with the blockchain storage keeping the events safe from change.

Record your event in the 2020 report Archive

Your memories, your stories, your archive.

Build on blockchain storage

Immutable storage Blockchain Project

Achieving Digital Immutability

Immutability is the state of not changing. This means that something cannot be altered, or changed in any way. This characteristic is important in many aspects of life, and can provide a great sense of stability.

There's also the antonym of immutable—mutable—which of course can mean "prone to change" and "capable of change or of being changed."


A Digital Touchpoint

Currently, the serves as a digital touchpoint for the year 2020.

Record you Events

Tell your tale about significant events that occurred around 2020

Event WallNode

The immutability of the digital archive is made possible thanks to the contribution of the Event "Wall Node" to the 2020 blockchain project.


The 2020 report is simple to find even after 3 years

I think the history about 2020 is important, I cant wait to see what comes next.

Juliana Stewart

A digital Historian about 2020

How Do we keep 2020 relevant?

We build a repository of information that is easy to find and easy to understand.

We need contributors to help catalog the relevant information.

About the Project

How is history preserved in the digital age?

  • Step 1: Gather and archive as much of the events

  • Step 2: Protect the archive from manipulation and corruption

About the Project

Gather funding to keep the project online

We need to invest in the preservation of our history. History is important. It gives us a sense of who we are and where we came from. It helps us understand the world around us and how it works. History also provides us with a way to connect with our past and to learn from our mistakes.

However, preserving history is not cheap. The cost of keeping information online and immutable is unknown. We need help to keep the repository online. We need help to keep the records accessible to everyone. We need help to keep the information safe and secure. Blockchain technology can provide us with a way to do this. With blockchain, information can be stored immutably. This means that it cannot be changed or deleted. Blockchain also allows for decentralized storage. This means that the information is not stored in one central location, but is spread out across a network of computers. This makes it more difficult for hackers to access and tamper with the data.

Investing in the preservation of our history is important. It is an investment in our future. It is an investment in our children and our grandchildren. It is an investment in who we are as a people and in what we stand for.

for all to see...

for all to remember...

for all time...

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Chris Anderson

CEO at Incorp


Hi, I’m Larry Billinghurst

From Oklahoma to Nevada, and over 23 other locations in between. I've discovered my strength in putting things together... From electronics in my parents' basement to computers in primary school to flying into communications and electronics in the Air Force, I've done it all. Then I dabbled with casino, hospitality, and real-estate technologies. Then I got into medical technology systems, then agile cloud platforms, then law practice tech, and back to medical imaging systems.

Joint the Project!

Time is short, we need to get the events recorded...

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